The full practice & game schedule will be created after team selection at the end of July.
Juniors (3rd - 5th Grade):
Practice is held 3 times a week, 6-7:30pm. Games are Saturday mornings from September to the first week in November.
Seniors (6th - 8th Grade):
Practice is held after the school practices. Days will vary due to school game schedule. We urge any 6, 7, & 8th grader interested in playing for STRA to participate on the school team. Games are held on Sunday afternoons from September to the first week in November.
We do play other townships and are required to do some traveling. The other townships in our league are Indian Mills, Marlton, Pemberton, Burlington & Florence.
All players are required to have: shin guards, colored mouth guards, cleats, black shorts, goggles, and a stick.
If your township has a recreational program for field hockey and can provide a team for your child’s age group, then you can NOT sign up at Southampton. The program’s Commissioner & STRA board will make the ultimate decision about out of town players. Please send an email to admin to be considered.